To keep this little rampage of events going, i thought it would be fun to make another MMV since we kind of dropped the topic from a while back with kish.
Ill also be taking song suggestions... but i kinda want to do another michael jackson song. Either scream, human nature, or man in the mirror. or something else if you have a suggestion
I already added the date to the calander so that is definate, but since the song doesnt need planning or anything, we can decide it at the last minute so there is no pressure to think of a song now.. but those three songs above are the backups.
Time: Monday the 13th, 9:00 PM EST (6 Pacific-11:00 AM AEST HAH I FIGURED OUTAUSSIE TIME)
Location: Victoria Island (we may move)
Song: TBA
The more the merrier, so get people that havent visited the site before on the site.