Lol, i watched it before, but only the first episode...
the entire thing takes place in maple island, victoria island is said to be sacred, the 'world tree' that was on victoria is something that exploded and the seeds scattered everywhere and some danger thing caused everyone to flee to maple island and they find seeds yadda yadda something so forth....
perion, henesys, and ellina are all in maple island (although the names arnt mentioned i dont think and no sign of kerning or nautilus in the first episode) . humans are banned and hated (so no classes have humans such as warrior, mage, etc). the only classes they even show are warrior, bowman, and magician (no subclasses that i know of such as DK, I/l, or sniper, or no thieves or pirates are mentioned as far as i know, and mage isnt mentioned in the first episode). the warriors consist of wooden masks, rocky masks, and yellow/blue/green king goblins, and other random perion monsters. the bowmen consist of bunnies and are led by a faerie and a talking purple cowboy dog.
the basic plotline is about a human boy who dresses up and pretends to be a monster (by that i mean he just puts on pointed ears and a tail) and he tries to be a deciple of the warrior or bowman class, but they both refuse to take him because he is weak. his friends consist of a rocky mask, two snails, and a mushroom. the mushroom collects shiny rocks.
a few references from the anime that are in the game are a CS shirt, pants, and ears that resemble the clothes worn by the main character, the kino pet, and a magic square mount that lasted for a year that was released for an event in some different version of maple. although, no one seems to catch these references due to the anime being so unnoticed.
but yeah, the anime could have been much better ._.